Hello! Below is a collection of games I've made! I've organised them in rough order of the ones I'm most proud of, to the least. But if a game is on here at all, it means I'm proud enough of it to share it with you! I hope you enjoy at least one of them.
I've been making games for a while now (starting with text adventures!), though my output has slowed down a bit recently, as I've been working on bigger things. I still work on small games sometimes, though, and will post them here when I do!
Here are some extra things:
Click HERE to download a collection of Klik & Play games I made a long time ago! They won't run on modern operating systems, and also they are pretty bad. But I'm still proud of them and they were fun to make.
Click HERE to download a Wolfenstein episode I made with some peeps! It includes a sourceport so you can play it on modern Windows (you'll need a different one for Mac and Linux).
Click HERE to read about Dickadoodle, a game that no longer exists. It was about turning pictures of rude things into nice things! I made it with a friend.
Follow me on Twitter HERE.
Stay funky fresh!